Friday, 27 November 2009

Location list

Location list

Wyke college entrance and outside campus. - Protagonist enters through the gates and walks down the path to interact with some piers. The college is perfect for this sequence as it reinforces the verisimilitude of the music video as it is a realistic place for the events to happen. Also our target audience can relate to the situation and surroundings.

Dining room - This location is necessary for the family eating scene to show how the family mistreats the protagonist. The dining room needs to really have the protagonist singled out and centred at the head of the table to symbolise his loneliness.

Quiet street - For this scene various health and safety issues come into play. As we are running somebody over attention could be brought to the fact that spectators might think there has been a real accident. So to avoid getting into trouble with the police we either need to film at a very early time or inform the police and the public in the surrounding area.

Function room - This room dosnt have to be to big as we only really need to use one of the walls to create the effect we are looking for. As we are having a cake with a candle this is a health and safety issue of either getting burnt or causing a fire.

Lecture theatre - We are going to be using the lecture theatre to create .......

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